
Jag har återvänt. Till Sverige och till svenskan. Jag har ont i halsen. jag borde sova nu. Klockan är snart 4, ja, herregud jag borde vara i sömn nu, men det har varit så mycket jag velat göra att jag inte kunnat komma till sans med att lägga mig. Jga har velat lägga upp bilder på facebook. Visst, det var kanske ingen stress, men jag tyckte att dte kändes så fint att få lägga upp bilderna, som en bekräftelse på att de senaste tre månaderna inte var en dröm utan verklighet!
Jag sitter vid min lillasysters dator, jag har fått låna den eftersom min dator inte ville starta. Jag tror att det är glapp i knappen för att starta datorn. Jag ska lämna in den imorgon för att se om dne kan bli lagad. Dock är den över två år. Men jag hoppas väldigt starkt att den ska gå att starta. Speciellt efetrsom jag inte har någon backup. Så det vore som att förlora en del av allla mina minnen...
nu ska jag strax sova. ska bara ladda upp 3 album till. ja, jag får se hur det blir med det.

Walking up and down Long Street

My first day waking up in CT was quite alright. The day on teh other hand has been really hectric walking up and down Long Street trying on lots of cloths and considering buying the most beautiful dress ever that cost 850 Rand and desiding not to and buying a cheaper one instead. Well the love I felt for that dress it will have to be one unresponsed. Cape Town seem to be a really beautiful city, the cafe we had our lunch at was so cute. it was called Mozarts Cafe I think and in the window a big heart dressed in flowers was hanging. It is nice beeing urban again but I must admit that arriving here makes me a bit focused on the fact that I am going home in just a few days. It is crasy that time has passed so fast and now I am kind of looking forward to going home. To meet my family again and to just relax and do nothing. But I am trying to focus on the journey until its very end. I believe we will go to the movies tonight, and properly visit Robben Island, Table Mountain and the botanical gradens in teh coming days.

Very well. That was all from me for now. I miss my sweet swedish friends and hope you will be happy to have me home again. Being away makes me appreciate home more. And sorry for my bad english. It is under progress.

P.s Africa has really inspired me. I have desided that I am going to start make my own cloths and if I become really good at it I might start my own brand. This is just dreams but I have been considering calling it FrokenIngeborg or ViolaIngeborg. Well I just like the fact that Ingeborg is such a strange and bit ugly name taht it actually becomes quite pretty. So what do you think, could I be a semstress?


In SA on the way to CT

Well this might very well be my last report in english, tomorrow night I will get on a bus to go to Cape Town or as the cool people would say CT. I have been in SA, South Africa for a week. It is remarkable beautiful.

Last time I wrote I was saying that I would travel on my own through SA. I chickened out on that plan and realised that I missed my girlfriends in SA to much. So I traveled from Bulawayo to Port Elizabeth (PE) in 3 days. In all I spent about 40 hours in buses. I got one night in Durban and a final bath in the indian ocean and now after traveling with the lovely girls from PE via Knysna and Wilderness we are in the wine city Robertson and tomorrow we will leave for CT.

I am quite alright. I miss Harare and the people I got to know there. It is always sad to say goodbye. It will be both lovely and weird to come back to sweden. At least this part of SA is quite cold so I am ready for the swedish weather.

I applied for university in Sweden. I want to take a class which you are accept to by application letter. I actually dont think I will be accepted. Maybe I think like that because I dont want to be disapointed. I have figured that if it doesnt work out I can just contiue traveling. That would be nice, but where would I go? Well I have to think more about that when I come home.

The sun has come out in Robertson and the others are sunbathing maybe I should take my tights of?

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