Drinking beer and eating meat.

I went footing Harare, as they would say here or I went walking. After I walked for 20 minutes towards the place I was going to be picked up from my phone called and it turned out that I wasn't going to need to go to the office. So I got to turn around and walk back. By the highly trafficked road grows big beautiful trees which I admired. So I ended up on the internet cafe instead.

Yesterday I had two big things to work with in the office, first I got to start up a blog for ABDO. It is still under progress but here you can see what it looks like for now. Then I got to prepare myself to meet a Zimbabwean stand up comedian called Carl Joshua Ncube. I asked him about the Zimbabwean peoples culture consummation and found out that the most popular culture you can do is to go to a consert on a Friday night have a beer and eat meat. Well I can see myself with the beer but not in the meat eating part. So I'll properly never will be a true Zimbabwean.

I am starting to get used to only speaking English, even though I sometimes find myself talking Swedish as this morning when I woke up and saw my dorm-mate Jessica standing in a pretty dress and I said "Sa fin du ar!" She looked at me and replied "what?" and I answered "You look nice.". But today I got a chance to be verbal in my mother-tongue when I went to the swedish embassy to fill in a paper about me being in Zimbabwe for a while. I heard how much dialect I have. I almost sounded like Bob Hansson. Maybe cas I am listening to his book "Vips blev det liv!" which he is reading, so who knows: when I meet up with the other swedes I might be even more scanian then when we parted.

Harare has so far treated me good, I am alive and amused.


Postat av: Paulina

När jag läste rubriken trodde jag nääästan att du hade smakat kött, haha. Hoppas du fotograferar mycket, vill se massa foton när du kommer hem :D

2011-03-08 @ 13:41:44
Postat av: jonathan


när kommeru hem igen?

jag menar, hur lång resa blire?

ha det

2011-03-11 @ 17:34:41
URL: http://kaptenhadiraja.blogg.se/

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